Multiskilling is your security blanket if you’re a digital freelancer.
Does it mean looking for more than one client for the same talent or multiple clients for the same talent?
Does it mean developing (up-skilling or re-skilling) more than one talent so you can search for one or more clients per talent?
It’s either or both. Subjective questions beget subjective answers.
Your choice will always be relative to your abilities, mood swings, and financial targets.
“But how can I develop a high level of mastery if I don’t focus on just one skill?”
Ideas sound impossible and appear difficult if you’re a slave of your IFs and BUTs.
I used to think I was only good at computer science.
But I dared to ask myself, “Would people from the US, the UK, Australia, and other native English-speaking countries hire me as their content writer over their native English-speaking neighbor if I studied content writing and other segments of digital marketing?”
For years, many of my clients thought I was a native English-speaking man.
Ha! Until one day, they heard the cock-a-doodle-doo of roosters and the consistent (consistently annoying) karaoke-ing of my neighbors who love singing (but singing doesn’t love them) when we were still renting an apartment.
That was the only time they learned I was a third-world folk.
I used to think I was only good at computer science and digital marketing.
But I dared to ask myself, “Would people mistake me for an accountant or a stockbroker if I offered stock market consultancy services?”
So, I founded EQUILYST ANALYTICS in 2012, one of the Philippines’ long-standing stock market consultancy service providers.
I self-studied various analytical methods for different investment instruments as though I was going to take a board exam in three months.
I always go to extremes. I can’t help it. That personality is tattooed on the forehead of every atom in my body.
I only wanted ten clients at EQUILYST ANALYTICS at first. I said I’d call it successful if I had ten clients.
I have served more than 5,000 paying clients and 10,000+ newsletter subscribers.
I used to think I was only good at computer science and the stock market.
But I dared to ask myself again, “Would people mistake me for a veterinarian if I entered the livestock and poultry farming industry?”
So, I built the ALPHA AGVENTURE in 2019, the number one backyard farm in the Philippines.
After one year of insane self-study on animal biology, nutrition, and cultural management, people who had no idea what my profession was started calling me “Doc Jaycee”.
I don’t think I’m only good at computer science, digital marketing, the stock market, or agriculture.
Multiskilling made me realize that I can be great at whatever I want to be.
Never underestimate willpower.
When dream and willpower collide, you become the living thing your clients wish to be!
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✏️ content writer
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